Be Ye Wild Or Cultured, We are here to help
Follow Your Plan
If you already have a sense of what you want to do and just want advice about placement or how to fill specific beds, we’ll be there. We love collaborating and sharing ideas.
We Provide a Plan
If you have no idea what you want to do with your yard and wish you had a sense of the big picture, we can help you with that too. We can help you think through how you currently interact with your yard and how you would like to in the future, your personal aesthetic, and the sunlight, wind, water and shelter parameters of your site. Once we have all of that information, we will walk you through a plan that you can choose to do in small chunks or all at once.
How We Work
We work on a design from the point of view of gardeners rather than landscape designers. A gardener likes to work with what already exists on site, moving and removing plants that don't work where they are, adding things and shaping the look and feel of the garden over time rather than creating a master plan and trying to make massive changes all at once.
If you choose to do a design with us, you will receive:
A written plan for the work to be done
A rough map indicating location of paths and beds
A list of plants appropriate to the various beds/areas that we are designing
We start with a consultation about your likes and dislikes for your current yard, ways in which you would like to use your yard more, and your dreams for what your yard could be for you. The initial consultation is what we call a Design Assessment, and it usually takes up to 2 hours and costs $410.00. From there we create a plan for cleanup and moving existing plants, suggest plant list for plantings, and choose shapes and sizes for any new beds if you want any added to your yard. We write up a general description of this Design Assessment, and how you want your yard to evolve with the assumption that what you may want could change over time as you ease into the process. If you are wanting low maintenance, edibles, deer resistant, full shade, or any other specific requests, we take that into account when we create your assessment and plant installation list.
Before we get started on your design we ask you to set a budget for your project. Our designs include a plant list, written proposal, and rough map. We charge $68 per hour/per person, this for the time we spend working on your design. If you would like to set a limitation on how much you spend on the design phase of your project, please let us know in advance so that we can be sure to stay within your budget.
If you would like us to install the design, we charge $54 per person hour.